Mackie’s of Scotland Sea Salt & Vinegar Crisps Review
Bag Calories Fat Saturated Salt Sugars
40g 203 11.0g 1.0g 0.5g 1.1g
All the bags are flavour colour coded. They have a distinctly Gaelic stylised writing expressing the name and underneath the flavour is written in large italics. The backdrop to this writing is a brown bag effect. As the whole thing is done in two colours it looks modern but it also means there are no stand-out features.
These Crisps truck a nice balance between thick and meaty and thing and crispy. The Crunch was softer than we have experienced with Mackie’s Crisps before, and there was no crash as the Crisps smashed. They pulped at an even pace
There were some gentle bends and curls, but these were too thickly cut to have lots of oil boils and crackled surfaces. There was some visible skin on edges and a smattering of seasoning on a muted, yet medium yellow coloured surface
A Nose Plunge Test revealed a mild Vinegar aroma. The Vinegar overwhelmed the Salt a little too much but the remaining residue on lips was Salty, so there was a balance there