Mackie’s of Scotland Haggis & Cracked Pepper Crisps Review
Bag Calories Fat Saturated Salt Sugars
40g 203 11.0g 1.0g 0.5g 1.1g
All the bags are flavour colour coded. They have a distinctly Gaelic stylised writing expressing the name and underneath the flavour is written in large italics. The backdrop to this writing is a brown bag effect. As the whole thing is done in two colours it looks modern but it also means there are no stand-out features.
These Crisps struck a great balance between the thick cut biscuit munch and the Regular Crisps Crunch. A couple of early bites featured impressive breakdown before a gradual move to the mush and swallow stage
Thickly cut Crisps, with an impressive quantity of the bag contents completely intact and large in size. The main feature was a darkish yellowish orange colour with a mass of seasoning visible on the powdery surfaces
A Nose Plunge Test revealed a mild spicy, almost beefy aroma. They are undoubtedly the best Haggis flavoured Crisps on the market. The fact that they are the only Haggis flavoured Crisps n the World is a mere coincidence because these Crisps not only had a gentle Haggis backdrop to a warm Potato flavour, but after every bite there was a load of spicy seasoning and Pepper on lips and tongue. Great stuff. Perhaps the best compliment we can pay these impressive Crisps are – they should not be considered a novelty flavour