Judging by some of the latest designs from smaller companies, it appears that Lay's are allowed to design for the whole Chips & Crisps industry. As seen with so many, there is a giant logo, a photographic image of a few Chips, and the flavoring or seasoning. The advantage Lay's have over their rivals is of course the most recognisable brand on the market. Even their overseas companies have the same logo, but with their brand name on the red banner. Lay's could actually have a plain, flavor color coded bag with the name of the flavor and their logo, and sell no fewer bags of Chips. However, this is far from innovative packaging. It is actually as basic as it can be while still remaining modern and evocative. Fortunately, not all smaller companies take Lay's lead. It is therefore to them, that we have to look for exciting and interesting bag designs.
As these were Chips were cut more thickly than the regular Chips in Lay's stable, the crunch was obviously a little less brittle. The additional firmness was not a compact of oil and potato either, it remained a crispy snap, but the Chips did not crumble readily.
It seems somewhat moot, as it is written on the packet, but these were thickly cut Chips. This did not however mean they were curly and irregular in shape like Kettle Cooked Chips. In fact they were mostly whole, relatively large in size, a bit flat in shape, and rather colorless and seasoningless.
Despite maintaining their 'All Natural' production, Lay's appear to have replaced the 'Natural' from the various packaging designs up to this point, and have invested in the replacement word 'Simply'. Goodness only knows what the thinking behind that is - there must be all sorts of employees in the Pepsico. empire making things to do to keep their jobs. Anyway, they are still 'All Natural' which of course means absolutely nothing to the nutrition label, that still says in unwritten words that an 'All Natural' Baked potato would be far healthier. The flavor, is of course, not very salty, not as oily as the Original variety, but still fried potato slices.