Kettle Brand certainly keep it simple. And so shall we. Color coded bags. Colors associated with the flavor. Minimalist design. Plain but fairly perfect.
If you could stick three or four together, these would break like a cracker. Thick, robust and sturdy, these Chips didn't so much crunch, but shatter as they were munched into.
Unlike many Chips manufacturers, Kettle Brand's Chips rarely look alike. Some may just add alternative seasoning to each Chip variety, but however Kettle prepare their sliced potatoes, they always look different. These looked like regular Chips with a glossy coating of transparent Chip! Like an extra layer. There were some wriggly edges, but few were folded or significantly bent. Seasoning appeared minimal. There was little brown coloring. They actually looked like each one had been picked out individually before placing it neatly and tidily in the bag.
The Nose Plunge Test revealed a slight onion aroma. The flavor was a little odd, in that it was exactly as described - Sweet, tangy, maybe garlicky, but mostly oniony. Just onion. It was sufficient to overcome that pesky potato and dominate the taste, a bit like a Chip dictator. One minute the Potato Chips are all living in harmony and the next, a purple onion headed despot takes over, spreads his message, and the Chips smothered in his glow, frog-march to the Chip bowl for consumption.